Flowering Plants and Organic Gardening - www.organicsow.com - Learn to do Organic Gardening

Flowering Plants and Organic Gardening

" The beauty of flowers is of more value than just their scent and the garden is a symbol of life, more than something to be gazed on "

What are Flowering Plants ?

One of the most popular plants on Earth are flowering plants. These plants have a wide variety, including trees, shrubs, vines, and more.

These flowering plants are vascular plants that produce seeds in the form of fruits.Some types of flowering plants produce fruits or berries with edible seeds inside them. There are over 200,000 different types of flowering plants around the world!

They are well adapted to dry, green, or aquatic environments. The roots live in the interior of the soil, while the stems and leaves live on top. Many of these plants have a deep taproot system that can reach up to 15 m below the soil surface.

Every living thing on earth has a function, and for plants to survive they need to get sunlight and water. Evidence of these essential needs is seen in the evolution of the flowering plant.

The flowering plant has a leaf that collects light, a stem to take up water from the ground, a root system to anchor the plant in the ground, and a reproductive organ.

Types of flowering plants and its Diversities

Total number of flowering plants in the Kingdom Plantae is about 90%. 250,000 different species have been identified so far yet there is no end to it.

Flowering plants are everywhere in Deserts and mountains , and these have been colonized by flowering plants. These habitats consisted of fertile grasslands, freshwater marshes, dense forests which we know was true to their habitat although most of the species are spread over through the tropical regions.

There are some of these plants that live in aquatic habitats, these are some who have adapted to the conditions.

The three largest Flowering plants families containing the greatest number of species are:
sunflower family, pea or legume family , and orchids family.

In gardening, there are many different types of flowering plants. From perennials to annuals, each type has a variety of strengths and weaknesses.

One of the most common types of flowering plants is an annual. These flowering plants only grow for one season, but they also need much less water and nutrients in order to survive. Another type of flowering plant is a perennial, which can last for up to 3 years in some cases.

Pollination: Various ways in which flowers are pollinated by insects, wind, or other animals

Pollination is an integral part of reproduction, allowing plants to continue to produce seeds and fruit. The pollination process begins when pollen is released from the anthers, landing on the stigma of flowers.

In order to pollinate a flower, it needs to have an opening where the pollinator can deposit their pollen. This is usually made through a stamen, or by one of the petals which opens up to release pollen.

Pollen must then germinate and begin growth in order to develop a tube down the style to the ovary for fertilization to occur.

There are many types of pollination that take place within nature including insects, wind, and animals.

Some flowers rely on specific animals for their pollination such as the Asiatic lily. This flower is only able to reproduce when a bee enters the flower and lands on its receptive stigma. The bee’s body hairs collect the pollen from the stamen and provides it to the receptive stigma.

Flowering plants: What flowering plants are important for organic gardening?

Flowering plants are important for organic gardening because they provide aesthetic appeal and food sources for wildlife.

Birds, bees, and butterflies will come to your garden if it has flowering plants such as strawberries, sunflowers, black-eyed Susans, and salvia.

You can also attract birds and butterflies by planting your garden close to a body of water. Plant a mixture of annuals and perennials together.

This will attract many insects, and you can attract them to your garden with a variety of pheromone-releasing plants. From a strict insect perspective, you may want to try planting a flower bed with marigolds.

Benefits of having flowering plants in your Garden:

The benefits of having flowering plants in your garden are many. In addition to adding a pop of color, they help to attract bees and other pollinators that provide a valuable service by making sure that our crops grow.

Plants also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, both of which are essentials for life on earth. They also help purify the air and even reduce mental stress.

In addition, trees and plants ensure that the soil is fertile and rich in nutrients. The mutually beneficial relationship between the soil and plants is so important that plants produce chemicals that help in improving the quality of the soil.

How to plant flowering plants in your Garden:

To get started, you should plan out your garden to determine how many plants you will need.

Once you have decided where they should be planted, keep in mind that most flowering plants require six hours of sunlight per day.

They should also be planted at least 8- 12 inches apart so they have enough room to grow and thrive.

If you don’t have that space there are other methods of growing plants in containers too.

Using a mix of different plants together can have a more natural look to it, than putting just one type of plant in a pot. However, you still need to be careful not to overcrowd your plants.

A lot of people like to use large pots to plant their plants in. They can be a great way to give your plants a lovely look, and make it easier to see what is going on in the garden.

    Steps –

  • Choose a location.
  • Prep the soil.
  • Choose a flower type.
  • Dig the hole.
  • Plant the flowers.
  • Provide water and nutrients to help them grow
  • Keep weeds at bay
  • Maintenance and upkeep
  • Enjoy your garden!

Composting Tea for Flowering plants

Compost Tea is a liquid nutrient supplement which contains bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and earthworms. Compost tea is applied to plants during the early growth phases to provide the plant with nutrients.

Compost tea is a solution made from water and compost. Compost tea for flowering plants is typically used before the plant blooms, to help promote healthy flower development.

It is usually applied once or twice a week, but can be done more if one desires. The compost in the tea provides nutrients which the plants need to grow and flourish, while also helping to feed fungi and insect communities that live around the roots of the plants.

What's next in your Garden?

In conclusion, by planting indigenous species of flowering plants, you will be able to grow a more sustainable garden. In addition to the ecological benefits, you will also enjoy a nicer looking garden and not only that they even provide fragrance that you will enjoy.

Incorporate more indigenous flowering plants into your garden for a more sustainable environment and prettier-looking yard. Don’t forget that native plant pollinators are also a plus!

After reading this article about flowering plants, Are you excited to plant some in your own garden?